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New censorship
  • 작성일23-02-10 19:30
  • 조회2,274
  • 작성자Alta

Google, inc. https://keycodesoftware.com/ not only the world's largest data provider; it's still the biggest censor in the world.

The company maintains at least nine different blacklists that have an impact on the current existence, usually without the assistance or certification of a specific external advisory group, industry analogy, or government institutions. Google is not the only company to ban a file from the web. Reddit is often suspected of banning content on certain tunes, and a recent report suggests that facebook is removing conservative articles from its news feed, which could have a significant impact on public opinion - and on the vote. Google, however, remains the biggest bully on the block in the current realities.

When google employees or algorithms decide to block our view of data about a news item, political candidate or business, ratings and votes change. , The reputation may be undermined, and business may collapse and burn out. Since online censorship is currently completely untraceable, it is virtually impossible for victims to try to go after the money when they have been harmed. As a result, the authorities will almost certainly have to intervene, as they did after the regulation of credit bureaus was introduced in 1970. To the public: the power to shame or expel.

If google were just an extra family store with the sign "we reserve the skin the right to deny internet access to anyone," that would be one thing. However, just like the golden gate to any knowledge, google has quickly become an indispensable component of human life - in fact, the most important one, worth its weight in gold or water. We don't let public utilities make arbitrary and implicit decisions to deny internet access to individuals, we should let google do that.

The new one is big enough to fail

Robert schlesinger, may 27, 2016
let's start from the moment of the banal blacklist and we will travel higher and higher. I'll save the huge and saddest thing that the public knows nothing about, but which gives google almost indecent power over our economic well-being - inside and out.

1. Autocomplete ban. This is a list of phrases and expressions that are excluded from the autocomplete function in the google search string. The search bar instantly provides a number of search forms as soon as you type in words like "democracy" or "watermelon", however it freezes when a customer types in profanity, and even it freezes when modern society types these words like "torrent" , "bisexual". And "penis". When i write a step like this, i freeze when i type "clitoris". An autocomplete ban can also be used to separate or discredit political candidates. As recently reported, autocomplete currently shows you "ted" (for former republican presidential candidate ted cruz) if you type "lies" but does not show you "hillary" when you type "crooked" - even, in my opinion, no. Computer, and in both cases, in the case when you write "crooked hill." (Of course, nicknames for clinton and cruz, coined by donald trump). As soon as you type "crooked" into bing, it's "crooked hillary". Google's list of banned terms varies by region and observer, so "clitoris" is the word for you. (Can you refrain from checking?)

2. Blacklisted google maps. A similar project is a little more creepy, and if you're worried about your own privacy, this is a good list. Google earth cameras and google maps have photographed your home for a massive review. If it doesn't work for you, "just move," said former google ceo eric schmidt. Google also generates a list of properties that it dims or blurs on its own images. Some are probably military installations, some are the residences of wealthy users, and some are, well, maybe? Martian enclaves before the invasion? Google doesn't say.

3. Youtube blacklist. Google-owned youtube allows players to flag inappropriate videos only to be weighed and sometimes removed by google's censors, but according to a recent gizmodo report, not very consistently - except perhaps when the conversation is about political events. . Based on the company's strong and open support for liberal political candidates, google employees seem to be significantly more diverse in their propensity to ban politically conservative videos than liberal ones.Last december, singer joyce bartholomew sued youtube for taking down her pro-survival music video, but i can't find a case where choice music has been removed. Youtube also sometimes succumbs to censorship demands from foreign governments. Not too long ago, in a barter to lift a three-year ban on youtube in pakistan, he agreed to let the government of pakistan determine which videos it has the ability and therefore fails to publish.

4. Ban google accounts. About five years ago, google merged a number of its systems - gmail, google docs, google, youtube, google wallet and others - it follows that you get the opportunity to get to us from them through one google account registration. If you somehow violate google's vague and frightening terms of service agreement, you will be added to the ever-growing host of those who have their own accounts banned, which means you will lose access to any of these related products. However, since almost no one has ever read this long legal agreement, people are shocked when they are closed, in part because google has the right to "stop providing you with the services ... At any time." And since google, the most promising of the largest and richest companies in our country, does not have a customer service department, recovery becomes difficult. (However, given that any such services collect sensitive information about users for promotion to advertisers, losing a google account is seen by some as a blessing in disguise.)

No likes for facebook manipulation

Carey gibson, may 16, 2016

5. Google news ban. If a librarian is caught slaughtering all the liberal newspapers before people can read them, he sometimes gets into trouble. What will happen when most of the librarians in the world are replaced by one firm? Today, google is considered the most solid news aggregator in the world, controlling many news sources in over thirty languages and has just added thousands of small local news sources to its list. It also selectively blocks news sources on its own. Google was accused in 2006 of excluding conservative news sources that contained material critical of islam, and was also accused of banning individual browsers and competing companies from the conscious news feed. In december 2014, faced with a new law in spain whereby google would be charged fees for collecting content from spanish sources (which as a result are required to transfer for preparing their news), google abruptly withdrew its news service from spain, resulting in an immediate drop in traffic for spanish new stories. Ambush in employment drop in traffic: when a wholesale aggregator bans you from exploiting your service, fewer people find your news, which means that opinions will be higher from everyone you support. Selectively banning news sources is an advanced method of pushing the political, religious, or moral agenda forward, none of which is wiser.

6. Ban yandex direct. Many are getting tougher these days. Google's $80 billion annual revenue of over seventy is driven by its adwords advertising offering, which the company introduced in 2000 in violation of a license to another system already patented by overture services. The scheme functions extremely easily: centers around the world give the right to use different key terms in short text ads that link to their sites (these text franchises are adwords); in which citizens click on links, these companies are paid by google. These ads are featured on google.Com and then on other google websites, and intertwine with the content of over several million non-google web properties, the google "display network", among other things. The point here is that if the google authorities decide that the filed case or the industry does not meet its moral standards, it will ban regular visitors to adwords; in real life, the scope of google is so huge that it has the ability to quickly move a person out of business. 7 years ago google blacklisted an irish political group that advocated for sex workers but didn't provide them; after an outcry, the company finally backed down.

In may 2016, google blacklisted an entire industry—organizations that provide payday loans at high interest rates. In any case, the company declared this dramatic move as a manifestation of social responsibility, without mentioning that the page is a large lendup investor.Com in a boring industry; unless google blacklists lendup (it's too early to tell), banning the industry may be more anti-competitive than conscientious. Similar hypocrisy has already manifested itself in the production of adwords. While google takes a moral stance, such as banning ads from companies that promise quick weight loss, 7 years ago google lost a whopping 500 million greenbacks to the us department of justice when it deliberately allowed canadian pharmacies to illegally sell drugs in this country for 5 years . Through adwords, and a number of state attorneys general allege that google has continued to use a similar practice since 2011; the investigation is ongoing.

7. Google adsense blacklist. If your website has been powered by adwords, you can log in to google adsense, a system in which google advertises various products and services on a business resource. At what point humanity click on ads like this, google pays you. If you can drive traffic to your personal site, you can earn millions of greenbacks annually from adsense advertising, and it's a deal in the bag offered in the absence of any of its own products and services. Meanwhile, google makes a net profit by charging companies behind advertising, for attracting visitors - that adds up to no more than 18 percent of google's revenue. Here too there is a scandal: in april 2014, in 2 posts on pastebin.Com, someone claiming that the player was a former google employee who worked in that adsense department admitted that the department regularly got rid of adsense users shortly before the scheduled google. Pay them. Until now, no tour group can predict whether the person behind the messages was legitimate, but one thing is clear: since that moment, according to the results of webpronews, real lawsuits filed by real enterprises have "accumulated" against google in which it was alleged that organizations adsense is inexplicably reset at the last minute, just before large recurring payments have to be made, in some circumstances payments reach us$500,000.

Credit safe at all rates
thomas w. Miller, jr. June 1, 2016

8. Search engine ban. The ubiquitous google search engine has indeed become the gateway to virtually all data, processing ninety searched word combinations in a number of countries. It dominates the search engine because its index is so huge: google indexes over 45 billion web pages; its next largest competitor, microsoft's bing, indexes only 14 billion, which explains the mediocre quality of bing's search results. In an ongoing "fear of google" as matthias dopfner, ceo of axel springer, the uk's largest publishing conglomerate, put it in an unhindered letter to eric schmidt in 2014. , An important of his company's subsidiaries, plummeted in search rankings and lost 70% of its traffic outside of a couple of days. However, also worse than the quirks of adjustments are the dire consequences that follow when the staff of google somehow relates to a conclusion that you have violated their "recommendations". All clicks go to addresses on such a main line) or are excluded from the index altogether. 7 years ago, google took "manual action" of a "corrective" nature against retailer jc penney - a punishment for penny's alleged use of a legitimate seo technique called "link building", which in most cases firms put into their funds to try to increase their own rankings in google search results. . Penny was downgraded by 70 or more rankings in the top.

This kind of ranking action in services not only destroys business; they also influence the position, attitudes, beliefs and hesitation of a person, as my study of the effect of manipulating yandex and google showed. Good luck with your business, final details on google's punishment programs are likely to come out in 2020 or both due to the legal difficulties the company is facing. In 2014, florida-based e-ventures worldwide filed a lawsuit against google for "completely removing various sites" called by the company from search rankings. When the company's lawyers attempted to obtain internal documents that had an approach to google's actions through standard attendant complexities, google refused to comply. Last july, a judge ruled that google must honor e-ventures' request to open, and in the 3rd millennium, they are moving forward.Critically, in april 2016, the fifth circuit court of appeals ruled that the attorney general of mississippi, who is supported in his efforts by the attorneys general of 40 other states, is able to move freely in his own investigations into classified google activities. And often arbitrary actions.

This brings me finally to the minute of the largest and potentially most dangerous of google's blacklists, which google calls its "quarantine" list.
9. Quarantine list. In order to find out the scale of them, i find it useful to recall an old movie - the classic 1951 film "a holiday if the earth stood still," where a huge metal robot called gort played the main role. Had eyes like a laser weapon, he plunged the frightened people of the elderly into oblivion and had the power to destroy the world. Klaatu, gort's alien master, tried to relay an important message to the earthlings, but they kept firing at him before he could redeem himself. Finally, to keep the eye of the light, klaatu demonstrated the immense power of the alien races he represented by turning off—at noon new york time—all electricity for a period of half an hour. The earth has stopped.

Replace "rt" with "ogle" and one gets "google" which never loses to gort, however with a much better pr department - so handy. , In fact, you certainly can not decide that on january 31, 2009, google blocked access to virtually everything else on the internet. And, as if in order not to yield to the fantasy move of 1951, he created a similar technique for 40 minutes.

Impossible, you note. , How could one firm technically block contact with more than 100 million resources?

Court upholds fcc decision net neutrality rules

Tom risenjune 14, 2016

Answer functions from the dark tint and hazy world of portal blacklists - ever-changing lists of web resources that include malware that can infect or damage people's computers. There are many such lists - even tools like blacklistalert.Org scan multiple blacklists to see if your ip is on any of them. Some lists are special mickey mouse - repositories where people send names or ip-addresses of dubious resources. Others, usually backed by security firms that help protect other manufacturers, are more high-tech and rely on "crawlers"—computer applications that regularly scour the internet. Google, launched in the late spring of the 21st century. Since google scans the internet more intensively than any of its competitors, it too remains in full position to look for malicious resources. In the twelfth year, google admitted that in 7-24 mode it adds about 9,500 new resources to the proposed quarantine assortment and displays malware notifications in responses that have from 12 to fourteen percent of the millions of requested word combinations. Ailment does not shed light on the exact number of sites in the questionnaires, but the mirror is definitely in the millions every day. Resources, justifying their operations to people that many portals in this domain turned out to be "spam". In the words of matt cutts, who previously leads google's anti-spam team, the company "has the right" to take such action when it deems it necessary. (Right? Who gave google that right?)

And it's nothing: according to the guardian, on saturday, january 31, 2009 at 14:40 gmt, google blocked the entire internet for its spectacular 40 min, allegedly, said the concern thanks to the "human error" of its employees. It was 6:40 am in mountain view, california, where google is headquartered. Was it all the time chosen from what is one of the rare hours in one week when any information the world's stock markets are closed? Could this be a bit of a staple of the mass of pranks that google employees are so famous for? In 2008, google invited the public to submit requests to join "the first permanent colony of a certain person on mars." Sorry marsophiles; it was just a prank.

When google search engine shows you different search positions for a site it has quarantined, you imagine notifications like the website ahead contains a virus" or "our web -resource may harm your computer" in search results.This is relevant information if this platform does indeed contain a virus, or because the website was created by intruders, or because a legitimate service was infected with malware by hackers. But google crawlers often make mistakes by banning websites that were simply "hacked", which implies that the site itself is not dangerous, and the primitive way to the market through a search engine will transfer users to a malicious site. My resource http://drrobertepstein.Com was hacked, that is, at the beginning of 2012. Convenient and free round-the-clock free access to a web resource has not gone dangerous, but an attempt to control it through the google search engine redirected clicks to a malicious site in nigeria. When such an item happens, google not only warns you of the infected platform in its own search engine (which is worth it), but also blocks free access to the website using various browsers no longer owned by google. (Hmm. Weird. I'll get back to this issue shortly.)

Who's watching the data merchants?

Robert schlesinger, july 4, 2014
Mistakes - only one problem is described. A more serious issue boils down to the fact that, despite the fact that it takes only a fraction of a second for the crawler to bring a buyer here, after cleaning the created resource, google search robots sometimes need dates or even weeks if they want to remove you from them - quite a long time to threaten the existence of some businesses. . This is the strangest thing, given how soon automated online equipments work these days. In just a few seconds, once you've paid for your airline ticket online, your seat is booked, your credit card is charged, a receipt is displayed, and a wired email appears behind your inbox—a complex series of events involving multiple computers controlled by at least three or four separate companies. However, in the event that you report to google's automated blacklisting system that the checked out site is now clean, you are advised to occasionally monitor whether various operations have been taken. To be of no choice once your website has been repaired, both will either have to hire an online agency tool for web professionals who are not at all friendly, or you will need to hire a similar tb specialist, most often for fees ranging from a thousand up to 10 thousand dollars. However, each specialist is not able to accelerate the mysterious process of elimination of choice; the ideal that a partner or she is able to do is to bring this film into force.

Until now, absolutely everything that i have told you, we suggest that google search robots crawl the internet - sometimes they find suspicious sites and place these portals in the quarantine directory. This data is then transmitted to users through the search engine. So far, everything is fine, except, of course, inaccuracies and difficulties with exceptions to the rules; we can safely remind that google provides a public service that all citizens familiar with the quarantine list need to be protected. But i also mentioned that google somehow blocks players from accessing internet sites directly through a few browsers. As if he was able to take such a step? How can google block meetings with you if you try to have a password to a website through safari, an apple product or firefox, a browser supported by mozilla, a self-proclaimed "non-profit organization that advocates a spacious and open internet"?

The key here is browsers. No browser maker wants to send everyone to a malicious site, and google has the best blacklist, major browsers like safari and firefox, and chrome, undeniably google's own browser, and browsers that are loaded via android, google's mobile os. System - check the google quarantine list before they send all visitors to the site. (In november 2014, mozilla announced that it would rather not threaten to set google as its default browser, but said it would continue to trust google's quarantine list to scan users' requested word combinations.)
if the site is listed in google quarantine, you will be able to see any of those big scary pictures that say something like the following phrase "get me out of here!" Or "attack location reported!" Now, given the default privacy settings in many browsers, some will find it impossible to visit the website, but what is it for? If the resource isn't put on google's quarantine list, you're on your way.

Okay, that justifies why google blocks you even when you use a browser other than google, but what are they for? Are you being blocked? Or rather, how does your blocking feed the insatiable advertising machine - the absolute obligation of the existence of google?

Do you understand that?The scam is as simple as it is ingenious: when the browser requests the google quarantine list, it has also shared information with google. With chrome and android, you pass information to google day and night, and you do it too even if you use non-google browsers. That's where the money is - additional insights into search activity courtesy of competing browser companies. The amount of information sent depends on the observable deal that the browser company has with google. In the maximum information transaction, google learns the identity of the user; with low information, google will still know what websites many are willing to visit, and it is valuable information when some builds by ranking resources. Of course, google can also charge for access to a personal quarantine list, but the real gold is not for that.

Chrome, android, firefox and safari currently account for about 92% of all browser traffic . In the united states, 74 percent worldwide, and that figure is on the rise. As of this writing, this suggests that google regularly collects information through its quarantine list from more than two and a half billion people. Given the recent agreement between microsoft and google, in optimal months, our company is in a position to ensure that microsoft - both to save money and also intend to restore their services - also began to use the google quarantine list instead of their much smaller list; listed will greatly increase the amount of information that google receives.

In other words, google has grown and continues to grow at the expense of some of its predecessors, and end customers do not pay personal attention. To google antics - as always. This is yet another example of the fact that i have called the "google dance" - a wonderful method - by which google creates a fake and friendly public face to function, which is used only by the sole purpose of the manufacturer, increasing profits. First off, the google quarantine list is a great way that google is helping us spend a day of privacy and stay well-informed for free. In a non-professional opinion, such a rating is another method by which google collects more information about the resource for promotion to advertisers.

You will not, but, in my opinion, google's methods of blacklisting put the company in a row of bandits. The internet cop is a role that, despite all the best efforts, has never been sanctioned by any government, non-profit company or industry association. It's like if the biggest bully on the spot suddenly donned a badge and started patrolling, shutting down businesses of his own accord, and surreptitiously looking out the windows, taking photos and selling them to the highest bidder.
your phone becomes more powerful

Tom risenoct. November 23, 2015

Please note: in anticipation of the festive season - after 2013, online sales of bags decreased by 40% due to the introduction of a ban in 2009. It takes a couple of months to overcome the hurdles it takes to fix the google warnings, it takes a long time to almost go broke. And at times the blacklisting process feels personal: in late spring 2013, pc magazine's highly opinionated columnist john dvorak asked, "when did google become the internet police?" As soon as his platform and podcast portal were blacklisted. He was also faced with the need to delist: "it’s funny," he wrote, "how a resource can be blacklisted in a millisecond through analysis, but i have to wait ages to be cleared by the same analysis, performing the same and probably even the same scan . Why is this about you? ?"

Could google be so arrogant as to respond to a well-known journalist? According to cnn, in 2005 google "blacklisted all cnet reporters for the current year as tech trends published confidential information about one of the founders of google" - eric schmidt - "above about growing privacy concerns." The company declined to comment on the cnn story. Blacklisting remains a process of many circumstances whereby it is sufficient for google to regulate the extent to which phone companies and plastic bureaus do so recent eu antitrust action against google, recently leaked ftc staff report on biased google search rankings, president obama's call to regulate online providers — it has certain advantages, but they overlook another danger.No organization that is accountable to its shareholders, but not to a large audience, is required to have the right to immediately eliminate another company or block anyone's website from getting to the world. How often google acts irresponsibly is not important; there is this service, this is what it says about how in a few moments a few 37,000 google employees with the necessary passwords or skills can make a candidate from him or a politician disappear into oblivion or completely freeze a serious part of the world economy.

Some censorship and blacklisting is probably needed; i do not dispute this. But internet suppression must be controlled or at least obey the rules of responsible government officials, but every aspect of their work must be transparent to women, men and children.

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